Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Adding Tracks

Perform outbound segmentation on a campaign audience in the Tracks tab.

Filtering Tracks

You can add analytics tools to filter and sample the records that are selected in a track. These behave in exactly the same way as they do in standard segment documents. It is even possible to add charts, grids, and even Predictive tools to segment and refine campaign audiences. At any time the Record Viewer can be used to view the raw data in a segment.

Best Practices

It is not recommended practice to leave a recipient in a track once a set of actions have been applied and completed. These recipients could potentially skew the results of any reports that analyze delays within tracks. It is better to end a track with a Go To Track > Complete so that Track totals can be cleansed for reporting purposes.

Multiple Track Model

For simple campaigns with a limited lifespan it may be possible to restrict all campaign activity to a single track. For more complex campaigns you will need to create multiple tracks, using the Go to Track tool to direct recipients through the campaign.


  1. In the Tracks tab, you initiate communication with recipients who qualify because they have been selected based on defined criteria, or because they have initiated an Event that triggers the communication. By default there is a single Track called 'Start'.
  2. Click the icon in the bottom right of the screen to add tracks.
  3. Where multiple tracks have been created, you can navigate between them using the scroll bar, or by clicking on the track tabs at the bottom of the screen:


The following rules apply to deleting and renaming tracks:

  • It is not possible to delete the Start track
  • It is not possible to delete a track that currently contains recipients; these will have to be moved on before the track is deleted
  • It is not possible to rename tracks once they have been included in a snapshot as this will compromise history storage
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